Under Construction

WA State Fife and Drum Corps was organized in 2014 by Drum Major Viren Lemmer, of the Alexander Hamilton Chapter WA State Sons of the American Revolution.

When Viren joined the WA State SAR, he was approached by the Color Guard Commander about marching with the Color Guard.

The commander asked "would you like to carry a musket in the next parade?" Viren looked at him and asked, "What if I carry a drum instead?" At that point the Fife and Drum Corps was born.

Most participants are SAR members but early on, it was decided that membership would include persons from the SAR, DAR, and other non-associated member musicians.

Due to the inclusion of non-SAR members, it is identified as the "WA State SAR Color Guard Fife & Drum Corp", a Color Guard support unit.

Viren Lemmer

During the Revolutionary War, the musician's uniform was the opposite color of his regiment. This resulted in the Fife & Drum members wearing a red coat with blue facing. Members are however authorized to wear any uniform worn during the revolution. They are often mistaken as British at Color Guard events

Participation in the Fife & Drum is recognized with a system based upon number of events attended. Members are promoted in rank with epaulets which are worn on the left shoulder.

10 Events - Green, Corporal
20 Events - White, Sergeant (normally red but not on a red uniform.)
35 Events - Silver, Lieutenant
50 Events - 2 Silver, Captain
Fife and Drum Group